How insomnia has an impact on our lives


Sleep is such an integral component in our body’s support system that every part of our body needs it in order to keep working as it should throughout the day. Sleep helps us function physically, and a lack of sleep impacts on our health, and the ability our brain has to function properly. 

We typically think that the worst effects of insomnia are experienced during the night, but the biggest repercussions are seen mostly throughout the day. The below list explores just how badly insomnia can affect our day.

Our ability to recall information

During sleep, our brain sorts out the information we have absorbed during the day. It creates short-term and long-term memories, discarding the parts we don’t need. The process is intricate – and scientists expect this is the reason behind why we dream. Without REM sleep, though, our brain is unable to perform this task properly. This lessens our ability to store memories, experiences and new information. 

Health problems

There is evidence that problems sleeping can lead to various health-related complaints including high blood pressure and its associated heart disease. High blood sugars have also been reported in those who fail to get enough sleep, possibly leading to Type 2 diabetes. Overall, anyone who is tired is less likely to enjoy a healthy lifestyle; whether that is down to their compensatory food choices or their lack of energy for exercise.

Mental health

Everyone has experienced that feeling of not being able to cope due to a lack of sleep. New parents know it well. If that feel becomes chronic is can really feel like your mental health is being compromised – and it probably is. Your comprehension of the world is reduced and your ability to deal with everyday stress can become a problem. The usual remedies of anxiety or depression drugs are unlikely to help, if the real issue is a lack of proper restorative sleep.

Fluctuating energy levels

Even missing out on one night of sleep can have a huge impact on us during the day. Continually experiencing sleepless nights will cause our bodies to have fluctuating energy levels, making it extremely difficult to keep to a reasonable daytime schedule. As a result, we might end up reaching for unhealthy foods to give us a burst of energy, such as caffeinated drinks, sugary foods and carbohydrates, which just exacerbate the problem.

Our social life

It goes without saying that when we are tired, we don’t want to socialise. This can put a strain on relationships and also slowly chip away at our self-esteem and social skills. When insomnia sufferers are tired throughout the day, it can often feel like they are not getting much done. This can be frustrating and lead to a lack of fulfilment and a negative mindset. 

Our looks

It might feel as though it is a bit shallow to worry about our skin or hair when we just need to sleep. But it is the lack of sleep that could be contributing to the issues you are having with your looks. Dark circles are one thing, but our bodies tend to carry out cell repair during the hours of sleep and a lack of sleep can mean more wrinkles and ageing skin. That is never a good look.

Most of us know how it feels to wake up after a great sleep and finding a way to have that feeling every morning has to be the holy grail. Once you get your sleeping back under control, you may find that many of these issues mentioned above just fade away and the mornings become full of bounce and energy. There’s nothing quite like getting your sleep back on track.

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