Once again, the sleep industry is bringing us some classic stories to keep us on our toes here at Sleep Infuser. From sleep divorces to grown-up bedtime stories – read on to get some insight into this weird and wonderful world we live in.
“Snoozetern” wanted for mattress company
In perhaps what is the perfect job for any student this summer, US mattress company, Mattress Firm is looking for what they are describing as a “snoozetern”. This role as sleep influencer will be in-house and will require the sleeper to document their experiences online via social media. They will be testing the mattresses, beds, pillows and all new products and will be encouraged to sleep on the job (as much as possible!). Perhaps not the ideal job for anyone who needs a quiet spot for their sleep, but this could be ideal for anyone who likes to combine their two favourite things: sleep and social media.
Slow lit – the best way to fall asleep
There is such a thing as bedtime stories for grown-ups and there are writers who actually specialise in this genre. Chris Advansun is one of these. His stories are gentle, with no surprises and free from conflict. The main feature of this type of writing is that the story goes nowhere. There is no ultimate goal or building of suspense or action (that would keep you reading late into the night). It is just a relaxing read that you can put down as soon as your eyes feel droopy. It sounds like the perfect antidote to drama at any time of the day. Google Slow Lit to find your perfect read.
Sleep naked for your best night’s sleep
This month the author of the Good Sleep Guide revealed that there are a number of ways to improve your sleep. One of these and perhaps the most controversial is to sleep naked – except for a pair of socks… It seems that temperature is a vital ingredient in getting good sleep and the best temperature is around 12 degrees. This is low and hard to achieve when you are all cosied up in pyjamas. However poor circulation could mean that your feet get too cold, so some bed socks will do the trick – but choose natural materials like wool or cashmere for the best results. Most of all, try not to think how silly you look with just your socks on.
Or you could try Smart Pyjamas
If the thought of sleeping naked doesn’t appeal, you could splash out on the latest high tech must-have: Smart Pyjamas. For the princely sum of up to £150, these pyjamas contain a number of sensors that will monitor you heartbeat, breathing and posture (among other things) to give you feedback on what might be causing poor sleep. Smart apparel is becoming increasingly popular recently with a number of wearables already available. In this case, the data from these pyjamas are combined with the latest AI and machine learning techniques to develop predictions of sleeping behaviour that really could be the difference between a good sleep and a bad one.
Could a sleep divorce save your marriage?
A survey of 2000 couples carried out by a bed retailer has shown that around 40% of couples now sleep apart (known as a sleep divorce) and that in a third of those cases it has actually improved their sex life and their relationship. The most common reason for sleeping apart is snoring, but also different sleep cycles and shift patterns are also to blame. It seems that getting a better night’s sleep can lead to better intimacy between couples – although an unfortunate 24% claimed that they now had sex less often and in these cases, the retailer’s sleep expert suggests a “sex schedule”. That doesn’t sound overly romantic and in fact, this whole idea of a “sleep divorce” might just be a way of selling twice as many beds!